Friday, November 30, 2007

Live Graphic Animation

Greetings all. It's been way too long since my last post.
With that in mind I'll mention that in '08 I hope to bring
some additional FC blog voices to ya.
These people know who they are and best be ready
to bring it in the new year. So with that pressure asserted,
I bring you this link to a splendiferous video displaying
the future of graphic animation. Ettinger is now installing
a FC certified trampoline in our 500 Sansome annex.

click it.

*H/T TO Benny B. via Andrew at Current TV

P.S. A random aside - big love to the Duncan/Channon
fools for their holiday party last night. Serious yuks were had.
If any of you were at The Bottom of the Hill last night - I'm sure you'll concur.
The D/C peeps know how to throw down.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mustache - The Finale.

You all may remember this post from way back when. Alas, the ball was dropped. No winner was crowned. Yet, pictures were taken. Here they are. The act of growing was thoroughly enjoyed by all except for one participant's better half, whose name is withheld to protect the innocent and guilty. Much ado about nothing? Judge for yourself. And, if you do indeed pass judgement, send me an email with your vote. The criteria: Best Overall, Most Flattering, Least Manly.
Just maybe...before the end of the '07...a winner will be crowned.

Benny B.


Ricardo & Joe - Life Partners & C.P.A. - NYC


Easy E.


Gen. Andrew Linsk - Civil War Veteran

Stylin' Ryan

James Cohen - Aries

Big Daddy Fender

The Connor.


Here are some extras - in case you are craving more.

All pics by walker - except for the General & C.P.A.'s

Land Mines - No More.

Here is spot for They work towards clearing land mines across many countries. It's an effective spot. Their site features a parkour who attempted to cross the 50km of London proper without touching the ground. Check it all out.