Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Movie Titles

Ever since I was a young chap growing up in my small hometown of Hollywood, CA(a burb of Los Angeles for those of you who are not familiar with it), I watched movies. Many, many movies. We lived in the hills where pre-cable television reception was poor - on a good day. So my parents, signed up for cable - a new television technology circa 1975. They also signed up for The Z Channel. This early and maybe first "movie channel" brought many a movie in to my life: Heavens Gate - the original and outstanding 219 minute version, The Man Who Fell to Earth(David Bowie in all his creepy beautiful glory), and 400 Blows(cinema franc) - just to name a few. This early education/obsession has had many a phase/focus. My actor phase, my 70's director phase, what's in the credits? phase, movies with snow as a theme and lead character (The Sweet Hereafter, The Pledge, Affliction, A Simple Plan), phase Film Noir and an ongoing Opening Title obsession.

Now to my point. Go here for many a link to some fantastic title sequences. I applaud this site for shining a light on this aspect of movies - the movie that starts the movie, if you will.
(Click the image above for one of my favorites.)

Cussing is Funny.

I cuss. I probably cuss too much. Oh well.
My Mom still claims that her kids got her in the habit of cussing.
I'm not sure about that. Let's just say between my Dad and Mom,
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
With that in mind, check out this trailer mash-up.
It's one of the best yet.

(hat tip Ron Lim)

Christa Has Left The Building.

Greener pastures are what's in store for Christa Lamperti Gatewood.
A suped up laptop in hand, CLG will conquer the editorial world beyond
the shores of Filmcore. Gone but, certainly, not forgotten.
If you're curious about who she'll work for now click the image below.

(hat tip to V. Genovese)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Breaking The Rules.

In this post I break a steadfast rule of this blog: NO F'ING POLITICS.
But it's for a good reason. As some of y'all know and as the rest of you
wil discover in four seconds, the Presidential campaign season is upon us
- earlier than ever.
Here's a link to a campaign spot that co-opts the Apple/Ridley Scott "1984" spot.
Taking no sides, it is quite well done and effective.
The creators, apparently, are not associated with the candidate.
God bless advertising. God bless America.