Monday, October 31, 2005

San Francisco Has Balls!!

Good Monday to you all. Check this Sony spot out.
Apparently 250,000 superballs were let loose down a
street here in San Francisco. Can anybody name the street?
Home page here:
Small movie link here:
Big movie link here:
(Beware, this link appears to be a bit wonky.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Leaving Your Mark

So far this Blog has reported on bird watching, mid-day pub crawling, energy drink shotgunning, midnight dance floor calisthenics, and half-naked wrestling. It's only natural that a post about vandalism should follow. As most of you know, Filmcore San Francisco is on the precipice of moving into a new space. This space is kitty corner and one floor higher than our current 545 Sansome space. It just so happens that a fresh square of wet cement appeared right outside of our current home. And lo and behold, a Filmcore fan came along to inscribe a stamp of memory before we move across the street. I did not witness this act of minor juvenile delinquency. However, I will chalk it up to a youthful act of frivolity and boosterism. By the way, does anybody recognize those shoes?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Guest Bloggerhausen

Brian gets the honor of being the inaugural guest blogger. Enjoy.

Every 3rd Saturday, the Cat Club in San Francisco,
is turned into the Suicide Club. It's mostly just a regular goth club,
featuring really good Death Rock music and super hot goth rockers
in corsets, fishnets and latex. Nothing really new,
except for when 12:30 rolls around.
That's when my friend Brian Sax puts on what he calls,
Blood Wrestling. A gigantic inflatable pool is filled with
water and some kind of red gelatinous element,
essentially turning the pool into a blood colored wrestling ring.
It's nothing short of brilliant, and sexy as hell.
On the night I went, one girl named Mary Jane,
dominated the whole night, taking on both girls
and the occasional guy.
Needless to say, I'll be back next month. - B.L.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Yo! What of it?

After months(a year?) Filmcore NEW YORK has moved into the new
space. Yes, Andrew has survived battles with the Local 64. He has
even found a friend to keep Keith company - Jon Stefansson
Andrew also imported Angels fan (boo-hoo they lost) Ricardo Lopez
from San Francisco to assist. You know what they say,
"Live in New York once, but leave before it makes you too hard.
Live in San Francisco once, but leave before it makes you too soft."
Ricardo just made it. As for myself - definitely too soft.
Anyway, here are some shots Doug took of the space.
Check out Doug's pretty bag - he is way too soft.

Bloggin' IS Enough

After some soul-searching and a night of tearing it up (using the AICP show as an excuse), I have embraced this form of reportage. Blogs rule! MySpace - a bit narcissistic (ask the Neck). AudioBlogs and Podcasts - frankly who wants to listen to me about this BS(or read it for that matter). So there I was tearing it up on the dance floor (BELIEVE IT) at 12:45 am. Brian had already left and I knew I was in trouble. On the ride home across the Bay Bridge I made a promise to myself and a pledge to all bloggers out there - I'll stick with it. Will this blog fall on deaf ears? - so be it. Filmcore needs one. The shenanigans of Filmcore must be reported without FEAR or FAVOR. Or so I thought at 1:30am Tuesday night post XYZ/MOMA/DUPLEX AICP magic.
Praise the Lord - nobody had a camera. Did they?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bloggin' Is Not Enough

Already three posts into the Filmcore Blog I have found it not
satisfying. I hear chatter of My Space, ramblings
about audio blogs
and excited testimonials of Podcasts.
So if you see a slow down of posts
in the coming days, it'll be
because I'm off audio blogging a My Space for
the Podcast.
Look for it all soon - Filmcore is too faceted to be chronicled
by a simple blog.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Trailer Park Blows Up

As many of you know, AICE sponsored a contest for Assistant Editors.
Cut a trailer for any existing movie as a new genre.
Well it looks like some of these trailers have gone internet virus on us.
Here are some from ps260 including the winner by Robert Ryang for "Shining".
Apparently, they are getting hundreds of thousands of hits
(unlike this blog, I might add).
If anyone has links to any other entries let me know.

And a NYT article about it. That ASSistant is highly stoked.
Well done.

Red Bull Shotgun

Mid afternoon Thursday, after our parrot excursion, Scissors and
The Neck faced off in a Red Bull shotgun duel. As you can see
in the stills above form is key. Scissors is at the ready with the
can placed to his mouth. The Neck is positioned too casual taking
in the frivolity of the moment. Scissors twist and tilt choice of
position is clearly far superior to The Neck's stiff tilt back.

Scissors won by 3 frames.