Thursday, August 31, 2006

An Open Invitation - From Carl Cordova Assistant Editor

Okay, here's the deal:

I just got back from camping in the Redwoods/Mendocino area with my good friend Brad. We saw black bears, 2,000 year old trees, and got lost in the fog listening to INTEGRITY. Unfortunately, because of unforeseen school responsibilities, I had to bring Brad back to San Francisco. He will not be able to come along with me on the 2nd leg of the camping journey.

That's where you come in. If you have nothing to do until Saturday night, and would like to do some last minute road tripping through the Sierra Nevadas, hit me up on my cell by late Wednesday afternoon. I've got a tent, an extra sleeping bag, food, the whole sheh-bang. You just need to bring yourself, and a change of clothes. Otherwise, it's spiritual journey by my lonesome. - Carl

(Posted by CM without comment)

Monday, August 28, 2006

Fenderize It.

Brian, Tim, Ben and James were in L.A. for two weeks
working up some magic for Toyota.

50,000 feet of film. 15 hour days. 14+ days straight.

Simply, living the dream.
Last Thursday, I had a dream.

I dreamt they were having trouble posting the spots

and they needed my Avid user settings.
Makes no sense, I know.
But the weirdest thing was this...

Sam Elliott was calling me, asking for my user settings.
Go here to experience the dream.
God Bless Sam Elliott.

Ad Joke.

An advertising team is working very late at night on a project due the next morning. Suddenly, a Genie appears before them and offers to each of them one wish.

The copywriter says: “I’ve always dreamed of writing the great American novel and having my work studied in schools across the land. I’d like to go to a tropical island where I can concentrate and write my masterpiece.”

The Genie says, “No problem!” and poof! The copywriter is gone.

The art director says: “I want to create a painting so beautiful that it would hang in the Louvre Museum in Paris for all the world to admire. I want to go to the French countryside to work on my painting.”

The Genie says, “Your wish is granted!” and poof! The art director is gone.

The Genie then turns to the account executive and says, “And what is your wish?”

The account executive says, “I want those two assholes back here right now.”
•Hat tip to Ron Lim.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Microsoft Office

(New working link).
here to watch to Part 1.
There are 37 plus minutes of hilarity.
It's worth it.
It's also up at Adcritic and Google video.

Advertising Rule #14 - Making Sense Is Not a Rule - It's an Option.

To prove this go here to watch this
Santo Gold infomercial.

There are lessons to be learned.
Keep you eyes and ears on alert.
Go here for the backstory on Santo Rigatuso

Psst! Pass it on...Grow Design Work.

My old friend Bran is now in NYC heading up his own design company - Grow Design Work.

He is also the brainchild of Psst! Pass it on... a collection of animated films created by a collaborative group of motion graphics artists from New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Berlin. Inspired by the Surrealist game of Exquisite Corpse and the children's game of Telephone, the minute-long films consist of three sections by three different design teams.
The artists worked sequentially, linking up their animations to create a single piece over the course of about 9 weeks. The films feature a variety of styles and methods of production including live-action, stop-motion, 3d & 2d animation.
It's good stuff.

Check it out here

Monday, August 14, 2006

It's on: SEPTEMBER 14TH 2006.

One month from today Filmcore San Francisco will have
the inaugural party in our new space at 500 Sansome.

Come by and drink too much.
Show up, drink nothing
and watch
San Francisco's finest drink too much.
See people you only see at parties like this.

See people you never wanted to see again.

Break in our new space. Make it feel loved.

Whatever you do - have a good time.

Historical Inspiration?

Go here to see some commercials from the past.
25 minutes of magic from the 1950's and 60's.
Have a laugh? Be inspired? Crave a T.V. Dinner?
Here are some choice stills.