TIVO Rules.

It does, but not for the obvious reasons of being able to control your T.V., make your own watching schedule and view an hour and a half of Saturday Night Live in 22 minutes. It turns out that TIVO has not become the death of the T.V. commercial. To the contrary, viewers at home are actually stopping their fast-forwarding to watch, what we in the Ad biz refer to, simply, as spots.
Check out this NYT article on TIVO as protector of the TV spot.
And all this time I thought it was just me and my kin in the biz checking out TIVOed spots while watching American Idol(my secret shame), 30 Rock(great writing), The Office(a shockingly good American version), Dirty Jobs(crap but watchable), Avatar(one of the best kids shows on the tube) The Daily Show(Jon Stewart is on my wife's "list") The Sarah Silverman Program(not quite sure about this one yet), and Top Chef(Padma, the host and Mrs. Salman Rushdie, is a T.V. personality specimen to behold). But I digress.
So to all my readers out there in the Ad biz, get ready for a new form of Focus Group testing. Will your spots of the future stand out in a "fast forward" test? Will your future spots cause the Focus Group FF soldiers to stop the zip ahead and watch your creative, hear your copy, absorb your edit? Or will your spots disappear in a flurry of FF frames?
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