Tuesday, February 06, 2007


My good friend Spesh, freelance producer and noted DJ/Electronic music producer, has let me know that his record label, loöq records, has just gone live with a new website.
So now I'm letting y'all know.
His site is/should be/will be a good resource for electronic music
and for use in our world of spots and what not.
Check it out and take a notice of the use of construction paper in the site design. (Very digital grammar school style - nice touch.)

By the way, for you CSI
fans, tracks from loöq records have been used quite a bit in the show.

A little (background) story: Once upon a time, in 1995, a fledgling editor, named Connor Thomas McDonald, needed some music for a spec spot he was cutting for the local women's soccer team The Nighthawks. Firing his young and raw editorial synapses, Connor put a Jondi and Spesh track to use in the cut. They went on to trick it out and make it just right for the spot. In fact, looking back on this now, remembering that young cut...the track was the best thing about it.



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