TV Commentary

When watching the second episode of the second season of Ricky Gervais' Extras"(HBO), I found myself fighting the strong urge to look away. I wanted to look away from the very uncomfortable scenes that Gervais has an acute talent for writing: soul cringing, embarassing moments of being caught lying, capitulating, giving in to tendencies loathed in others, and on and on. I made it to the end and thoroughly enjoyed this portrait of very human foibles and did not look away.
Then it was time to turn my viewing eye to "Rome"(HBO), the series depicting the lives of those who ruled, loved, ate, drank, plotted, murdered and suffered during the time of it's empire. Filled with all the noteworthy gore, mutilation, blood that HBO affords it, "Rome" doesn't have the same effect on my as "Extras". I watched each minute of "Rome" almost unblinkingly(despite my growing distaste for violence in movies).
Watch the shows and see what makes you blink...if anything.
One interesting side note. The actor, Guy Henry, plays Gervais' producer Iain Morris in "Extras" and Cassius in "Rome".
Watching too much T.V.? Possibly.
Or may just too much British produced tele.
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